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Doing the latest Ottoman flavors international taste.



To be able to maintain the historical texture and flavor of Hafiz Mustafa with its multi-product diversity, production style, quality and brand understanding based on over a century of experience based accumulation.




·       Traditionalist innovation

Since 1864, with more than a century of experience, it has been faithful to our first recipes and caters to today's taste with Ottoman tastes.


·       Produc Quality

With our quality and quality understanding, our products are, qualified and professional staff, taking care of customer requests, in healthy and hygienic environments in accordance with standards and legal regulations, 'Halal Food' Our vision is to produce products in accordance with the requirements and to be the exemplary enterprise of the world with the quality and safe product we offer to our customers.


·       Trust

It is our basic form of management that we adopt towards our business, our colleagues, our customers and our suppliers.

·       Dialog

With strong, modern, powerful and effective performance, sustainable is the key to success for all partner satisfaction.

·       Respect

It is primarily the foundation of our relationships with ourselves, each other and all our partners.


·       On-site and boutique production philosophy

We adopt our basic production approach to offer our products produced by daily and manual labor to our customers in the freshest form with our skilled personnel.

© 2021 By HM1864 

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